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Does pep test for HIV?

They’ll give you a blood test for HIV (if you already have HIV, you won’t be able to use PEP). You’ll also be tested for Hepatitis B. And if you were exposed to HIV through sex, you’ll get tests for other STDs like gonorrhea, chlamydia, and syphilis. What happens when I’m on PEP?

How is HIV status determined if a patient is considered for Pep?

HIV status should be determined in patients being considered for PEP using rapid combined antigen/antibody (Ag/Ab) or antibody blood tests. If rapid HIV blood test results are unavailable, and PEP is indicated, administration of the first dose of PEP should be started without delay.

How long does pep take to detect HIV?

This helps to support patients taking their PEP medication as prescribed and facilitate follow-up HIV testing at 30 and 90 days. Additionally, for people who get HCV and HIV at the same time, it might take longer for HIV tests to detect HIV.

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